Give diving as a gift

Give away diving with your personalized photo

Gift Card

Remember that in any product, you have the “gift” option that will allow you to comfortably send the gift on the date you select. If you don’t know what to give, we offer you the gift card, where you select the amount to give, and the honoree can use it to exchange for any of our products

How does it work?

1.- Select the “Gift Card” product that best suits your needs.

2.- Choose a photo or upload your own and choose the delivery date.

3.- Tell us your data and the address where you want us to send the card.

4.- Make the payment through our platform.

On the selected day we will deliver your gift card.

Port de la Marina 8, Palamós (Girona)

Professional services

At Dive Center Palamós we also carry out specialized services

We put at your disposal a team of professional divers to carry out complex tasks in the water such as boat rescue, hydraulic works or search and recovery tasks.

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