Dive Spot


Located to the east of the Formigues Islands it is a deep and technical dive

The Immersion

We will sail northeast for about 20 minutes, allowing us to enjoy the views of the coast when leaving from the Dive Center Palamós.

We will pass through Cala Margarita, where we will see the typical fishermen’s shacks. In them they kept their boats and utensils that today have become summer houses. It is a landscape with a special charm.

We will pass through Castell beach, which has various peculiarities that make this beach a unique stronghold. This is a considerable extension. Located between fields and forests, without any type of urbanization on its margins.

But the fact is that Castell also has a series of historical remains of great value.

This is how we find the Poblado Ibérico in one of the ends of the cove. On your left as you look out to sea, we will see the point of Sa Cobertera.

This is built on an original settlement from the 15th century. VI B.C., which we know was actively inhabited by this civilization until the s. I AD


This dive site located to the east of the Formigues Islands is a deep and technical dive where we can find a diversity of abundant flora and fauna, its color makes it a colorful and pleasant dive.

We will start the immersion descending through the cape until reaching 25 mt, from here we can dive towards the open sea where we will choose a certain course towards small promontories with the typical visors that house large groupers, and the typical rock fauna stuck in their cracks.

We can also navigate to the east surrounding the base of the mountain enjoying the walls of gorgonians up to 43mt, this whole area is full of life since due to its depth its fauna is not easily extracted.

A third option is to head towards the Formigues Islands that we can see from our boat and from which the underwater course to follow will be established.

It is a shallow dive ideal for beginners and trainees

41 € / Dive trip

*The price of this dive includes boat + bottle + 3 hours free parking

Requirements – To carry out this dive it is necessary to have a minimum level qualification.

You can complement your activity with the following additional materials and services. Prices are for a specific dive. For more information contact us


Online booking

Dive Spot – Gorgonias

  • Select the date to start the reservation process from the list of scheduled dives
  • The dates of the dives are adjusted according to the time of year and sea conditions. If you do not find the ideal date for you, or there is not one available at the moment, please remember that we have other dive sites that may interest you
  • Also, you can request more information about this dive by calling +34 972 600 345 or using the section contact
  • Try to request your reservation well in advance

Port de la Marina 8, Palamós (Girona)

+34 972 600 345

Certificates and accreditations

The instructors, dive masters and assistants at Palamós Dive Center are professionals with extensive experience in diving, a large number of dives on the Costa Brava to their credit and they are all certified by the Generalitat of Catalonia. Of proven effectiveness in the theoretical and practical teaching of different diving courses.

All instructors, and the rest of the center’s staff, have the corresponding qualification, which accredits their ability to teach.
