Dive Spot

Coves Sant Feliu

Three caves located between 26 and 29 meters of easy access and with a sandy bottom

The Dive

Leaving south from the Dive Center Palamós we will go to look for the caves of Sant Feliu, when leaving through the mouth we will see the commercial dock.

In front of the dock we will see the Llosa de Palamós lighthouse , which indicates to large-tonnage ships that below it, its depth is less and they are in possible danger of running aground.

We will travel south where we can see the famous coastal paths.

Routes prepared for a walking tour that follows the old coastal path that runs along the coast of the Costa Brava.

Most of the route runs along narrow paths only suitable for walking, with unevenness, continuous ascents and descents, on some occasions we will also walk along completely flat sections.

Always parallel to the sea, being able to enjoy unique landscapes and a rewarding walk that leaves no one indifferent.


There are three caves located between 26 and 29 meters of easy access with a sandy bottom. Two of them are located next to each other, we will find them following the canyon that is located below the mooring buoy, from the entrance of either of the two we will be able to observe the end of the grotto since its length does not exceed 20 meters.

The first has an entrance located 26 meters deep. It is quite low and on its left side it is quite narrow, the second cave is wider with a length of about 18 meters, at the exit we can see the figure of the dolphin.

Above them the sculpture of the rose of the winds that will serve as a reference to guide us. The third has a drop between 26 and 29 meters and is the shortest of the three located below the starting point of the dive, to make the three caves we will have to have a low consumption since the distance between them is considerable.

It is a shallow dive ideal for beginners and trainees

€36 / single departure

€72 / double departure

*The price of this dive includes boat + bottle

Exigences – Pour effectuer cette plongée, il est nécessaire d’avoir une qualification de niveau minimum.

You can complement your activity with the following additional materials and services. Prices are for a specific dive. For more information contact us


Online booking

Immersión – Coves Sant Feliu

  • Select the date to start the reservation process from the list of scheduled dives
  • The dates of the dives are adjusted according to the time of year and sea conditions. If you do not find the ideal date for you, or there is not one available at the moment, please remember that we have other dive sites that may interest you
  • Also, you can request more information about this dive by calling +34 972 600 345 or using the section contact
  • Try to request your reservation well in advance

Port de la Marina 8, Palamós (Girona)

+34 972 600 345

Certificates and accreditations

The instructors, dive masters and assistants at Palamós Dive Center are professionals with extensive experience in diving, a large number of dives on the Costa Brava to their credit and all are certified by the Generalitat de Catalunya. Of proven effectiveness in the theoretical and practical teaching of the different diving courses.

All instructors, and other center staff, have the corresponding qualification issued by the most recognized international diving organization PADI that accredits his ability to teach.
